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Charts are provides as functions. They use Chart.js from

The functions use CSV data as first parameter and options as second.

In the Relation function you can use them with the delegate directive.

delegate "linechart -colors red,green"

The data must provided as following:

  • linechart: first column x, second and following columns series
  • barchart: first column x, second and following columns series
  • horizontalbarchart: first column x, second and following columns series
  • doughnutchart: first column ignored, second and following columns data
  • piechart: first column ignored, second and following columns data
  • radarchart: first column ignored, second and following columns data
  • scatterchart: first column series, second x, third y, fourth x2...
  • bubblechart: first column series, second x, third y, fourth radius, fifth x2... (radius is pixel, not normalized)
  • heatmapchart: first column x, second column row, third column and fourth value
  • mixedchart: first column x, second and following columns series defined with -types option

Options are in command line style, preceded by a hyphen.

  • -width (all but heatmap): relative size of the chart to the container, default 100%
  • -lines (line): draw data lines, default 1
  • -dashes (line): draw lines as dashes, pixel size of dashes, default 0
  • -tensions (line): bezierness of the curve, default 0.3
  • -steps (line): do not interpolate, default 0 (if steps, tensions are ignored)
  • -gap (line): draw lines for missing values, default 0
  • -fills (line): opacity of the area below the line, default 0
  • -points (line): draw data points, default 0
  • -colors (all): color in name or hex notation default blue, green,red,orange,violet,yellow,black
  • -stacks (bar, horizontalbar): stack in groups (defined by number bigger than 0), default 0
  • -types (mixed): define type of series, default bar
  • -rough (all but mixed): rough style, default 0

Options can have arguments. If the option is a plural word, it can have multiple arguments. The are written in one word, separated by comma. If there are less arguments than data series, they are automatically expanded.

Sample line chart
Sample line chart with tension
Sample line chart with area and points
Sample bar chart
Sample stacked bar chart
Sample bar chart with custom colors
Sample horizontal bar chart
Sample mixed chart
Sample doughnut chart
Sample pie chart
Sample pie chart rough style
Sample radar chart
Sample scatter chart
Sample bubble chart
Sample heatmap chart

See also Charts for Query