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DeepL translation

Sofawiki supports DeepL translation within the editor. This allows you to have a first draft with one click, which then you can refine.


You need a valid DeepL Authentication Key that you can get with subscription at https://www.deepl.com

Add your key to the configuration.php file:

$swDeeplKey = 'yourkey';

If you use the free API, add

$swDeeplFree = true;


You need your text in one first language in one language subpage. The main page is not translated.

In the Edit Multi mode, the interface adds buttons at the bottom for each language that is not already translated. You can choose the source language.

The translation is proposed to be reedited. Always check the text. Save the definitive text.

You can also use the translate function.



Supported languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Wikicode is not handled. DeepL treats it as punctuation, which may be misinterpreted. Template names may be translated.

Error handling is basic.