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Relation Tutorial 9

Order films by director and title

read "films.csv"
order director, film
project director, film, year

director film year
Godard A bout de souffle 1960
Godard Pierrot le fou 1965
Godard Week-End 1967
Kluge Der starke Ferdinand 1976
Truffaut Jules et Jim 1962
Truffaut Tirez sur le pianiste 1960
Varda Cléo de 5 à 7 1962
Varda Sans toi ni loi 1985
von Trotta Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum 1975

Order films by year and only the 3 newest

read "films.csv"
order year 9
limit 1 3
project year, film, director

year film director
1985 Sans toi ni loi Varda
1976 Der starke Ferdinand Kluge
1975 Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum von Trotta

Show average of films by director with 2 decimal values

read "films.csv"
project director, film count
project film_count avg
format film_count_avg "%0.2f"
