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Paragraph tags

Starting with 1.9.1, the Sofawiki style parser renders paragraph tags for better typographic control. For example, with paragraph tags, you can control the space between paragraphs in your CSS file.

In wikitext, a simple line break creates a BR tag and a double linebreak creates a P tag.

The following elements are not inside paragraphs:

  • Tables. There are also no paragraphs in table cells
  • Headers
  • Lists
  • Blockquote
  • Preformatted text
  • Horizontal ruler
  • Divisions

Note that if you create divisions (DIV) in your templates, they will break the paragraph because DIV cannot be inside P. If you need floating block elements inside a paragraph, consider using the SPAN tag with style:"Display:block".

Paragraph tags are enabled by default. If you do not want paragraph tags, set $swOldStyle=true in the configuration file.