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Join and Cross

In this example, we will use a self join. We create two relations and rename them and then apply the operators join, cross, union and except

[[nom::foo]] [[type::selective]] [[amount::500000]]
[[nom::foo]] [[type::automatic]] [[amount::400000]]
[[nom::bar]] [[type::selective]] [[amount::300000]]
[[nom::ccc]] [[type::selective]] [[amount::250000]]
[[nom::ddd]] [[type::automatic]] [[amount::150000]]

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
= 3 rows 5 msec
nom selective
bar 300000
ccc 250000
foo 500000

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
| RENAME amount automatic
= 2 rows 5 msec
nom automatic
ddd 150000
foo 400000

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
|/ JOIN nom
= 1 row 9 msec
nom selective automatic
foo 500000 400000

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
= 3 rows 9 msec
nom selective automatic
bar 300000  
ccc 250000  
foo 500000 400000

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
= 4 rows 9 msec
nom selective automatic
bar 300000  
ccc 250000  
foo 500000 400000
ddd   150000

Note that in relations, tuples are sets and have no predefined orders of their parameters.

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
= 6 rows 9 msec
nom automatic selective
ddd 150000 300000
ddd 150000 250000
ddd 150000 500000
foo 400000 300000
foo 400000 250000
foo 400000 500000

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
= 5 rows 9 msec
nom selective automatic
bar 300000  
ccc 250000  
foo 500000  
ddd   150000
foo   400000

The same note on relations apply. The returned relation from UNION has tuples with the same parameters, but not in a particular order.

+  SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == selective
| RENAME amount selective
|+ SELECT nom, amount FROM Join and Cross WHERE type == automatic
|| RENAME amount automatic
|/ EXCEPT nom
= 2 rows 9 msec
nom selective
bar 300000
ccc 250000