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Used by Special:Deny

Deny manager for automatic and manual IP denies.

An IP is blocked after 5 unsuccessful logins per day or whatever value you set in the configuarion file for $swDenyCount. If $swDenyCount is -1, automatic blocking is disabled.

You can also block IP when they randomly choose pages and action login. For this set in the configuration file the value $swStrongDeny to a value between 1 and 10. $swStrongDeny is the probability in percentage that a login action without giving a password will trigger a unsuccessful login. You will not want to set this higher than 10 (a probability of 10%), because everybody uses the login action first before login not giving a password in advance.

You can further trigger a deny if an IP tries to access known login adresses like wp-login.php or admin.php. Just create a page and apply the function {{accessdenied}}. If an unknown user accesses the page, the IP will be blocked.

There is one log file per day in the site/logs folder with the prefix deny-.

You can automatically deny (with an enddate) and allow IP numbers. The numbers are stored in site/indexes/deny.txt

If you want to search the history, the normal log files also keep track of deny and allow with action::deny and action::allow.

Blocked IP are bloques very early in the index page (line 24) with a die instruction. Blocked accesses are not logged (to not overflow the log).

File structure inc folder inc/special folder