inc/skins folder
The skins folder contains the default skins.
Skins have at least two files.
- A PHP files that processes the output from the wiki using a layout
- A CSS file that styles the file.
The PHP file can use
- $swParsedName for the title
- swSystemMessage() for any kind of navigation elements you want to keep editable by the users.
- $swHomeMenu for the menu link to the homepage
- $swSearchMenu for the search box
- $swEditMenus array for the edit menus that are created by user and by context
- $swLoginMenus array for the login menus that are created by user and by context
- $swDebug if you want to show profiling
- $swParsedContent to show the parsed content of the page
- $swFooter''' to show info about the page
These are the recommended variables. This said, you can override anything and directly use the $wiki $name and other globals.
The skins are designed that all pages have the same structure. If you need to create the page layout differently by page, you can either
- use namespaces to decide what layout to use. This might get easily context.
- use a template in the page to create a div with a custom class. Here you are limited to layout inside the content div, using CSS classes, unless you check manually the presence of the template inspecting directly the content property of the wiki. You also may need another template to close the div at the end.
The default installed skins are
- default
- iphone
- tele
- tribune
- zeitung
Use them as inspiration to write your own that you place into the site/skins folder. Do not place them in the inc/skins folder. They are overwritten on sofawiki updates.
The skin folder includes also Javascript code which is part of the distribution:
- chartist.min.js and the related files
- chartist.css