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The table syntax is the most complex syntax in wikitext. Most marks start at the beginning of a new line.

Tables start with {| and end with |}. In the starting line you can add HTML properties like style.

Each row is separated by |-.

Header cells starts with !, normal cells start with |. You can add HTML properties like style separating them with a single pipe |.

You can either add a line for each cell or separate them with double pipes || rsp. double !!.

You can use mutliple lines within a cell, if you use the single field per line syntax.

You cannot put tables in tables, but you can use the rowspan and the collspan properties.


{| class="queryfunction"
! a !! b
|- align=right
| style="background-color:yellow" | 3 || 4
| first line
second line

a b
3 4
first line
second line