SofaWiki implements a subset of the MediaWiki syntax. The following syntax ellements are currently implemented:
- ==header h2==
- ===header h3===
- ====header h4====
- Linebreak for a new line and double empty for a paragraph (see also Paragraph tags)
- ''italic'', '''bold''' and the combination '''''bold italic'''''.
- Multi-level lists with *.
- Multi-level ordered lists with #.
- Multi-level blockquote with :.
- Preformatted text with leading space. Note: Parsing still applies. Use nowiki tag to prevent parsing
- Tables {| table |- tr | td. You can add attributes to the table tag like class='border'
- Internal [[SofaWiki]] links and external links
- Internal links with alternate text [[SofaWiki|alt text]] and pipe trick [[ns:name (par)|]]
- Simpel external links
- External links with alternate text [http :// alt text]
- Transclusion with {{syntax}}
- Very few tags are allowed: b, i, u, s, sup, sub, tt, code, span, br, hr, small, big, div.
- Use the nowiki tag to prevent Sofawiki to parse the text (works partially)
- You can exceptionally comment out wikitext using the HTML comment syntax
- In some contextes, some characters cannot be written directly: You can write the following characters as tags (enclosed by < and > ) to use them anyway in the content: pipe, colon, leftsquare, rightsquare, leftcurly, rightcurly, space.
Image and Media links see File upload and Scale image
For the name there are some restriction. Not allowed are:
- tag characters < > for security
- quotes " for PHP code problems
- colons : are reserved for namespaces
- slashes / are reserved for language
- astersisks * are used in user rights
- hard [ ] and curled { } paranthesises are separators
The nowiki tag works only on the same line.
If you have a textarea, you need a trick to make it work so that it does not conflict with the textarea of the editor. interrupt the closing textarea tag with a /nowiki nowiki tag sequence.
For wikitext, tag characters < > are not allowed for security reasons except for commenting. You can use entities.