User pages
The pages in the User namespace define the password and the user rights for that user.
The user password is saved as an md5 footprint.
To find out the footprint for agiven password, use the Special:Passwords page.
Then you add fields for each of the user rights and the path
- [[_view::path]]
- [[_create::path]]
- [[_modify::path]]
- [[_protect::path]]
- [[_delete::namespace]]
- [[_fields::namespace]]
- [[_upload::path]]
- [[_special::special]]
The path can be a namespace or a namespace and the start of a name (or use * for all namespaces).
- [[_view::Main]] for viewing main namespace
- [[_view::*]] for viewing all namepaces
You can define user-specific links in the menu.
- [[_menu::pagename]]
You can define users as user groups and then inherit all rights
- [[_group::user]]
Rights can be limited in time, defined in SQL date format, using pipe as separator
- [[_view::streaming|2022-01-01|2022-01-31]]