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Indexes file formats

The currentbimap.txt, deletedbitmap.txt, indexedbitmap.txt, protectedbitmap.txt, shortbitmap.txt, use serialisations of bitmap format.

The short.txt is a textile with fixed length. Each record is 512 bytes. If the revision is shorter than 512 bytes, it is written into the file. The short.txt allows for faster access to smaller files.

The urls.txt is a textfile with fixed length for each row. Each rows is 48 bytes long and has the following fields

  • revision, padded with space to 9
  • tab
  • status o, p, d for ok, protected and deleted
  • tab
  • path md5, 32 characters
  • EOL left padded with spaces to 4

Defined in /inc/db.php, /inc/record.php