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This parser handles most of the wikitext syntax

  • table syntax TABLE TR TD TH
  • headers H2 H3 H4
  • lists UL OL LI
  • HR
  • BR P (see Paragraph tags)
  • bold and italics B I

It works mainly with regex for simplicity, but that is not always possible. For the tables for example, functional programming had to be added.

Also, there is a cleanup to handle parser conflicts and to make it more pretty.

Finally, the tags for some special characters are resolved: pipe, colon, leftsquare, rightsquare, leftcurly, rightcurly.

If you do not want paragraph tags, set $swOldStyle=true in configuration. It will use the old function.

Function swCleanParagraphs utility to remove P tags.

File structure inc folder inc-parsers folder