Handles debug, logging and email notification.
Insert this anywhere in you code where you want a microtimestamp. The lines are collected in the global $swDebug that you can use to display debug information in the skin script.
The default skin shows it below the menu items.
Creates a log with the same parameters. It writes a mail if a receiver is defined. Actually, I think the function is used only on lost passwords.
Define $swNotifyMailBCC and $swNotifyMailCC to send you copies of these mails.
Creates a log line. One log line is create at each http request at the end of index.php, but you can use your own. You can search the logs in Special:Logs
Used by login, creates a log entry for a login attempt with a wrong passwords. ip fields are for wrong passwords, allow fields are from manual overrules with the Special:Deny page.
Deletes a block in site/indexes/deny.txt and adds an allow entry into the daily deny log page to overrule deny count.
Adds a deny entry in site/indexes/deny.txt with an enddate (default today).